Contact Bethan

Some frequently asked questions are answered below but if you would like to get in touch, please do so using the form and Bethan will get back to you as soon as she can. 

orange red kite


Pictured: Bethan at Montgomery Castle

Frequently asked questions

How much is delivery ?

Prices listed include shipping/postage within the UK. For EU countries there is a small charge of £5.

When will I receive my hard copies ?

Usually within 7-10 workings days of the purchase date, but large orders may take longer.

What types of work can I commission ?

Bethan is open to discussing all enquiries, please use the contact form to get in touch.

Do you deliver outside the UK ?

Yes, although Bethan is not currently setup to deliver outside of Europe. It may be possible to arrange this on a 1-1 basis if you get in touch directly.

Which works are suitable for students ?

There are currently several pieces that are suitable for beginners, students and/or amateurs. Please click on the button below or select ‘Students’ in the drop-down menu on the Shop page to view. Bethan’s experience as a teacher makes her well-equipped for the challenge of writing to set standards and she is able to offer very reasonable commission fees for such works. Please get in touch for more details.

Can I reproduce the scripts ?

You shouldn’t make or use photocopies unless you have written permission from Bethan. An original musical work is copyright-protected during the life of the composer and for 70 years after their death. If copies are made in breach of copyright, then the copyright owner can sue for damages. However, you are allowed to copy extracts of a copyright-protected work for the use of non-commercial work or private study, and the Music Publishers Association issues a Code of Fair Practice that covers essential aspects of the copying and arranging of copright-protected musical works. If in doubt, please contact Bethan directly and she will do her best to accommodate your needs.

Bethan's Suppliers

Bethan's printing is carried out by PMBS, who provide an excellent service and are trusted by Bethan wholeheartedly. This is a printing service for musicians, by musicians.
Bethan's headshots were taken by photographer, Kevin Leighton.
Bethan's website was designed in WordPress by Alison Chadwick.